About Me

(left) Me
(right) Mrs.Kawakami(President of Japan International Saintapaulia Society)
She is called as "Mother of Saintpalia".
Without her great efforts to Saintpaulia, we can't grow Saintpaulia in Japan.

My name is Susumu Shizukawa.
I have been growing African Violet since I was 12years old.
Those days, there were not so many informations about
African Violet in Japan.But I was so lucky, Icould know with
Mrs.Kawakami and she taught me a lot.

In 1978, my parents moved to NY,then I could have
oppotunities to visit them every year. One day I asked my
father to take me to Lyndon Lyon GH.It was really nice time
to me to learn many things.
Since then I am still crazy for Sainpaulia and passed almost 25
years!While these years I've visited to US, Middle East,
Europa and after I began to work, I had to move to several places
because of business every 3 to 4 years in Japan.Wherever I live
I always looked for Afican Violet and thought how it grows in
different circumstances.

Now I'm a member of AVSA (since 1979), Japan International
Saintpaulia Society,AGGS and Japan Gesneriad Society.
I'm still learning.These years I'm very interested in growing
Species of Saintpaulia and other Gesneriads.

To grow African Violet in Japan, it is more difficult than growing
in US.It because of the differences water PH, weather...etc.
So I began to make website to anounce how to grow Saintpaulia
in Japan.After I back from AVSA convention in Omaha,2000,
I decided to start my website in English also.In addition to my
activities of African Violet I started to write articles about African
Violet for garden magazine.

There is laungage barrier in front of me, but I hope you could enjoy
my website and you could help me.
                           Good Growing!



e-mail susumu@niji.or.jp

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